From here, you can check support for the Switch Pro Controller and enable the Use Nintendo Button Layout option, which changes all your games’ button prompts to match the Pro Controller. Step 1: Head to the Controller Settings menu in Steam. This gives you the ability to use it with all of your PC games and even remap its buttons, should you see fit. The Steam client now officially supports the Switch Pro Controller, with it previously only being available in the beta client.
How to connect the Switch Pro Controller using Steam We think the process we’ve described is the best way to go, but if you’re interested, follow the steps outlined by this Reddit user. There is a fairly elaborate workaround to sync a pair of Joy-Cons together as a single controller, and it involves multiple external programs and some intensive tinkering. That’s great for two-player games, but it makes them useless for playing anything complex, like a first-person shooter. Unfortunately, the two Joy-Cons will be treated as separate controllers by default. If you see the error message below, move the controller around to ensure no other devices are interfering with the signal.

You can confirm that the controller is connected, however, by looking at your computer’s Bluetooth settings.

There are some quirks to watch out for, such as when the pairing lights on the Joy-Cons won’t stop blinking. Step 4: Look for the Joy-Con in your computer’s Bluetooth menu, and select the option to pair it with your device. Step 3: Hold the Sync button on the Joy-Cons, located between the SR and SL buttons, until the LED lights start flashing. Step 2: Disconnect the Joy-Cons from the Switch. Step 1: Turn on Bluetooth on your computer. You can easily pair Joy-Con controllers with a Windows or Mac computer from directly within the Bluetooth menu. How to connect Joy-Con controllers to your PC Once that’s squared away, here’s how to get connected.
Before you connect your Nintendo Switch controller to your laptop or another Android device, you should make sure that you’ve got a Bluetooth receiver and that both objects are relatively close together. It takes a bit more elbow grease to get it working with all your games when compared to connecting an Xbox controller, but it’s a great option if you already own a Switch.